Our 50 Best Orangutan Jokes

  1. Why did the orangutan bring a ladder to the bar? Because it wanted to climb up the social tree!
  2. What did the orangutan say to the palm tree? “I’m going bananas for you!”
  3. How does an orangutan make a phone call? It dials-rangutan!
  4. What do you call an orangutan that becomes a comedian? A punch-liner!
  5. Why did the orangutan go to school? To improve its ape-titude!
  6. How do orangutans navigate through the jungle? They use their ape-sense of direction!
  7. What’s an orangutan’s favorite card game? Go Fish (for bananas)!
  8. Why did the orangutan bring a suitcase to the zoo? It was ready for a well-deserved ape-cation!
  9. What do you call a fashionable orangutan? A primadonna!
  10. What’s an orangutan’s favorite kind of music? Ape-hop!
  11. How do orangutans communicate with each other? They send text-mape-sages!
  12. What did the orangutan say when it won the lottery? “Ape-solutely bananas!”
  13. Why did the orangutan go to the doctor? It was feeling a bit under the weather.
  14. What’s an orangutan’s favorite mode of transportation? A banana boat!
  15. Why did the orangutan bring a compass to the party? It didn’t want to get disoriented in the jumble!
  16. How does an orangutan style its hair? With a pair of ape-rs!
  17. What’s an orangutan’s favorite subject in school? Ape-gebra!
  18. Why did the orangutan start a band? It wanted to go on a world ape-tour!
  19. How do orangutans organize their bookshelves? They use the ape-habetical order!
  20. What did the orangutan say to its child before school? “Remember, be oranginal and go ape-cademic!”
  21. What do you call an orangutan who is a rockstar? An ape-star!
  22. Why did the orangutan go to the dentist? It had a bad case of orangutan breath!
  23. How do orangutans greet each other? They say, “Orangutang-tastic!”
  24. What do you get if you cross an orangutan and a kangaroo? Big trouble—those two can jump high!
  25. What did the orangutan say when it joined the gym? “Time to pump some ape-iron!”
  26. Why did the orangutan join a cooking class? It wanted to learn how to make banana-flavored dishes!
  27. What’s an orangutan’s favorite winter activity? Going ape-sledding!
  28. How did the orangutan get a black eye? It tried to peel a pineapple!
  29. Why don’t orangutans play cards in the wild? Because they’re afraid of cheetahs!
  30. What’s an orangutan’s favorite social media platform? Ape-stagram!
  31. How do orangutans stay cool in the jungle? They monkey around in the shade!
  32. Why did the orangutan refuse to play hide and seek? It didn’t want to be caught red-handed!
  33. What’s an orangutan’s favorite breakfast cereal? Cheerio-rangutans!
  34. What do you call an orangutan with a sunburn? A red-hot ape!
  35. Why did the orangutan bring a ladder
  1. How did the orangutan become a computer expert? It mastered the a-peel!
  2. What did the orangutan say when it won the marathon? “I’m the champi-ape!”
  3. Why did the orangutan take up yoga? It wanted to improve its ape-flexibility!
  4. How did the orangutan solve the math problem? It used ape-rations!
  5. What’s an orangutan’s favorite type of movie? Ape-adventures!
  6. Why did the orangutan start a band with the elephants? They wanted to create a trunk-orangutan symphony!
  7. How do orangutans eat their food? They go ape-plitely!
  8. What’s an orangutan’s favorite superhero? Spider-Monkey!
  9. Why did the orangutan bring a spoon to the jungle? It heard there was a soup-er rare fruit!
  10. How do you make an orangutan laugh? Give it a bunch of apes to tickle!
  11. What did the orangutan say to the photographer? “I hope you capture my good side!”
  12. Why did the orangutan always win at poker? It had a knack for reading bananas!
  13. What’s an orangutan’s favorite ice cream flavor? Choco-chimp!
  14. How did the orangutan become a famous painter? It had a great ape-titude for art!
  15. What do you call an orangutan with a fancy car? Ape-rari!