Animals that start with N
It would be near impossible to name all the animals that start with n. Some of the more popular animals that begin with n are the Narwhal, the Nurse Shark, the Norfolk Terrier, the Nine-banded armadillo, the Nightingale, and the Naked Mole rat.
Below is a little more of an exhaustive (but not complete) list of animals that start with N:
Naked Mole-rat
Native cat
Neapolitan Mastiff
Nelson ground squirrel
Neotropic cormorant
Netted rock dragon
New Guinea Singing Dog
Nighthawk, common
Nile crocodile
Nine-banded armadillo
Norfolk Terrier
North American beaver
North American porcupine
North American red fox
North American river otter
Northern Cardinal
Northern elephant seal
Northern fur seal
Northern Right Whale
Northern phalarope
Nubian bee-eater
Nurse Shark
Nutcracker, clark’s
Nuthatch, red-breasted
Nyala has a list of animals that start with N used in sentences
Narwhal: small Arctic whale the male having a long spiral ivory tusk.
– When I was a little kid, I used to think that narwhals were marine unicorns.
Neofiber: round-tailed muskrat.
– Neofibers look like hamsters with a very long tail.
Neomys: a genus of Soricidae.
– The Neomys is one of the few venomous mammals on Earth. They feed on fish mostly.
Nilgai: large Indian antelope; male is blue-grey with white markings; female is brownish with no horns.
– The nilgai’s meat has a delicious flavor, similar to beef.
Notomys: jerboa rats.
– The Notomys likes to venture into grasslands and eucalypt woodlands.
Numbat: small Australian marsupial having long snout and strong claws for feeding on termites; nearly extinct.
– As many other marsupials, the numbat is found in Australia.
Reptiles that start with N
Naja: cobras.
– Just like in a cartoon the naja was coming out from a basket.
Nerodia: North American water snakes.
– The Nerodia crawls through the grass and rocks.
Notechis: tiger snakes.
– The notechis also known as Tiger Snake. It’s body has black and yellow stripes.
Birds that start with N
Nandu: smaller of two tall fast-running flightless birds similar to ostriches but three-toed; found from Peru to Strait of Magellan.
– Baby nandus are so small in comparison with the adults. They are such tall birds when adults!
Neophron: a genus of Accipitridae.
– The Egyptian vulture or neophron has declined in India by 90% in the last decade.
Nighthawk: mainly nocturnal North American goatsucker.
– Nighthawks eat while flying. They catch insects like mosquitoes, beetles, and grasshoppers.
Notornis: Flightless New Zealand birds similar to gallinules.
– The notornis are flightless birds that have beautiful plumage and a bright red beak.
Numida: guinea fowl.
– I like the dotted feathers of the Numida. They are unique.
Insects and critters that start with N
Nematocera: mosquitoes; fungus gnats; crane flies; gnats; sand flies.
– The Nematocera has longer legs and antennae than other flies.
Nepidae: water scorpions.
– Nepidae are aquatic insects also known as “water scorpions.”
Noctua: type genus of the Noctuidae: Moths whose larvae are cutworms.
– Every night noctuas fly in the garden.
Nomia: a genus of bee; some are important pollinators of legumes.
– Nomia bees don’t produce honey, but they are great pollinators.
Nymphalidae: large beautifully colored butterflies.
– A beautiful black and orange Nymphalidae flies near the window.
What is this animals name
Hi Elaine! The animal pictured is a Narwhal.