Best ear mite treatment for dogs

Ear mites are not deadly but they cause great irritation to poor puppies and dogs. If your pooch is feeling uncomfortable and unpleased, ear mites might be the reason behind their discomfort. 

Your furry friend might have ear mites so read on to learn more about what they are and how to deal with these irritating parasites. 

What are ear mites in dogs? 

Ear mites are tiny parasites that inhabit ear canals and surrounding skin. They are so small that you might haven’t noticed them yet. If you want to know how to check your pup for ear mites, you should look for the symptoms instead of the parasites. 

Ear mites feed on the wax and oils in your dog’s ear canals and the result is scratching, head shaking, or rubbing of the ears.

Ear mites are only 1 to 2 centimeters long so it is nearly impossible to see them with a naked eye. To confirm if your pet has ear mites or not you should see a vet. A vet can diagnose ear mites infestation using a microscope or an otoscope and treat them more effectively.

Symptoms of ear mites in dogs 

You should always look for the early signs and symptoms of ear mites. If your dog is not treated earlier the condition might get worse. 

Ear mite symptoms are usually the same in puppies and older dogs. The following are some of the early signs and symptoms of ear mites that your dog might show: 

  1. Skin irritation in and around the ears 
  2. Scratching around the ears, neck and head
  3. Head shaking
  4. Dark and waxy ear discharge 
  5. Foul smell from the ears and ear wax

Causes of ear mites in dogs 

Ear mites are more common in puppies than in older dogs. The most common reason for ear mites is contact with other cats or dogs which are infested with ear mites. Ear mites can be easily transmitted from one animal to the other. 

When one infested puppy or dog get onto bedding or play with other puppies or dogs, the mites easily make their move to a new host. So if your dog comes in contact with any other infected animal you should go seek a vet.

Prevention of ear mites in dogs 

Prevention is always better than treatment. To prevent ear mites in dogs, vets recommend monthly dosage to keep dogs healthy and control ear mites. 

The following are some other preventive measures that you should follow to keep your dog safe from infestation:

  1. Keep your dogs at distance from the ones who already have ear mites. 
  2. Regularly wash your pet’s toys and bedding in hot water. 
  3. After washing the bedding, give it a turn in a tumble dryer to get rid of all the mites hiding in it.

Treatment of ear mites in dogs 

Visiting a vet is always a wise decision to treat ear mites in dogs and cats. Vets not only examine your dog’s ears but also look at a sample under a microscope to confirm the presence of ear mites. They also look for the presence of any secondary infection.

Medication for ear mites in dogs 

When it comes to the treatment of ear mites in dogs, there are different kinds of medications. Your pet might prescribe you ear drops or other counter treatments like NexGard products. 

Treatment for ear mites in puppies and adult dogs is usually the same. You must avoid using unproven home remedies for ear mites in dogs as they might not be effective. Any wrong treatment can make the situation worse. Therefore, it is important to use proven and effective ear mite treatments. 

If you have any questions related to ear mites, you should speak to your vet for diagnosis and treatment options instead of browsing the internet or asking for the advice of a dog owner. 

Some frequently asked questions about ear mites in dogs

Can a dog or cat owners get ear mites?

Although the transmission of parasites might look obvious, the good news is it is not the case. The likelihood of transmission of ear mites from cats or dogs to humans is very small. So you don’t need to be worried about the transmission but take some precautionary measures just in case.

Difference between dog ear mites and dog ear wax

An informed eye can differentiate between dog ear mites and dog ear wax very easily. Dogs usually have ear wax and it is completely normal. But an excessive amount of ear wax with unpleasant smell, redness, itchiness, shaking of the head, or excessive discharge might be early signs of ear mites. The best way to find out is to consult your vet because excessive wax might be a sign of other ear infections. 

Difference between dog ear mites and dog ear infection

Discomfort in the ears is not always the sign of ear mites. Ear infections are also very common in dogs. These ear infections might be a bacterial infection, a yeast infection, or a secondary infection to an allergic skin disease.

As we have mentioned earlier, the best way to find out the root cause of your dog’s irritation is to consult with a vet. The vet can examine and find out the exact reason behind all the symptoms your dog is showing. 

Can ear mites in dogs be painful? 

Ear mites are not painful but they can cause extreme irritation and an urge to scratch. The continued scratching and rubbing can cause skin irritation and redness that lead to pain. 

Can a dog have ear mites in one ear? 

Usually, ear mites infest both ears. Sometimes, one ear may be more severely affected than the other one. If you have diagnosed ear mites in one ear only, chances are there that your dog might have them in the other ear also.

What is the Best Flooring for a Dog Kennel?

There are a few trains of thought on what to put on the bottom of a dog kennel. And if goes without saying that if you are a dog owner, you are definitely aware of the problems of cleaning a dirty dog kennel. Us dog owners are always in search of finding easier ways to clean are dog kennel. Some dogs are dirtier than others.  But cleaning a kennel applies to every breed of dog. So let’s talk about what’s the best flooring for a dog kennel.

In this article, we have created a list of the best flooring for dog kennels.

  • DuraGrid Deck Tiles

In our opinion, it’s hard to beat DuraGrid tiles. These simple tiles are the best option to keep your dog kennel clean. The tiles are easy to use. They are easy to wash. And they give a great look to the kennel. The best thing about DuraGrid tiles is that they last longer than any other flooring because they are UV resistant. Most kennel flooring has a pretty short life.  This is especially so if they are used outdoors.

A huge bonus is that anyone can put them together. There’s no professional carpet or flooring guy that you need to call. You can install them easily in no time.

And a huge bonus is that the DuraGrid deck tiles are made to be slip-resistant.  That doesn’t mean you won’t slip on them if you grease them up in butter.  But normal rain, snow, dew extra will keep you and your pet from slipping around the kennel.  It’s really the best of both worlds – easy to clean and not like normal tiling that is “slippery when wet”.

  • Non- Slip Dog Pads 

The DuraGrid tiles work great for outdoors but might not be the best fit for the indoor kennels.  For indoor dog kennel flooring, non-slip pads are the best option. These pads are originally designed for training puppies, but they can also be used for trained dogs.  Most dogs will go sometime without accidents.  But sometimes when locked in a kennel for an extended period, accidents will happen.  Plus food and water gets spilled routinely in kennels.  Heck, this happens with humans.  Of course it’s going to happen with pets!

Non-slip dog pads are durable and can be easily washed in a machine. They are better than regular diaper cloths because they have a rubber back that keeps pee or other liquids from your floor.

A big bonus of the dog pads is how soft they are. These pads are also convenient as they protect your little buddy’s paws. 

  • Artificial Grass Kennel Flooring

Artificial Grass Flooring in a dog kennel can bring a fresher and new look to it. This is next level flooring and not recommended for puppies or animals that will spill.

The grass is super easy to install and you can cut it into any shape you want.  The only thing that is not good about artificial flooring is that you cannot clean it easily. If the drains are not properly installed, it can smell really bad. You must wash it often to prevent any foul smell. And speaking from experience, cleaning it was tough!  It also took a pressure washer.  Definitely a nice look though

  • Kennel Deck Revival Flooring System

Kennel Deck Revival Flooring system is suitable for bigger and heavier dogs. They are easy to clean because they are raised higher off the ground.  This flooring system is for the Mastiffs, Wolfhounds, Great Danes, Corsos, Mountain Dogs, etc.  I guess it could also work if you have a pet mountain lion.

If you have one of these bigger dogs or happen to live in a colder climate, the raised decks are for you. These decks aren’t in contact with the cold and wet ground, they are much warmer for your furry children to be more comfortable whilst they are in the kennel. Kennel Decks can also be easily installed on the uneven grounds. 

  • Washable Pee pads 

If you new in the dog game or have a puppy that you know is going to pee, andare in search of comfort and warmth of your pet, you should select washable pee pads. These warm and quilted dog pads are very comfortable and warm for the pets. 

The pads come with three layers. The top layer is for keeping your dog warm and comfortable. The second layer is designed to absorb pee. The layer at the bottom keeps your floor protected from the liquids. 

  • Deck Tiles

Deck tiles are the most beautiful flooring that also have excellent draining skills and are surprisingly cheap. In addition to this, your pet will be comfortable walking on the deck tiles. 

There are many other flooring options for your dog’s kennel. But you might have a question in your mind that: How can you select the best flooring for your dog kennel?

You must know that indoor and outdoor kennels require different flooring. Therefore, select the right flooring for indoor and outdoor kennel. Moreover, you must keep in mind the drainage system of the dog kennel. Last but not the least, always remember your convenience and the comfort of your pet.

The Best Low Sodium Dog Food Brands

Should you be lucky enough to spend your time with a dog, you must have searched the shelves at the store for the perfect dog food.  You have probably asked vets and pet store owners for their opinions regarding the best diet for your beloved pooch.  There have probably been many times that other dog owners have mentioned what they think is the best low sodium dog food.  Vets seem to always have their opinion about low sodium diets and what breeds need lower salt.  And of course, ads have a way of highlighting their brands best qualities.  But we all know that not everything on the store shelves is good for your dog.

Salt = Sodium and Dogs Do Need Some Sodium

Sodium is an important essential mineral we need to live a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle.  Your dog is no different. All animals need sodium to live a healthy and well-balanced life.  Sodium stops cells from dehydrating or swelling and is vital for nerve reactions and muscle function.  Most dog foods on the market have huge levels of sodium due to the minerals many health benefits.  However, too much salt is not very healthy or good for your dog’s vital organs. In the same way, it is not good for us humans.  Look out for dog foods that contain a minimum of 0.3% of sodium in the ingredients.  To maintain normal development and growth in your dog, this is the basic level of salt needed.

The Best Low Sodium Dog Food On The Market

Here are some of the top rated dog food with low sodium available on the market today.

Royal Canin Breed Health Nutrition Adult Dry dog food

For the absolute best dog food on the market right now, invest in the Royal Canin Breed Health Nutrition Adult dog food.  It provides all the right amount of nutrients and minerals to ensure your dog’s diet is well taken care of.

The size and shape of the pellets make it easy for dogs to chew and pick up.  The shade of the food may vary batch to batch due to the ingredients, and dogs love the flavor and texture of the food.

For powerful breeds such as Boxers, Rottweilers,and Terriers, the Royal Canin range of dog food strengthens muscles and protects against any heart ailments they are likely to get when old.  For example, Boxers are disposed to to cardiac ailments, and the Royal Canin dog good has special nutrients to combat these ailments and increase healthy cardio function in your pet.

The added antioxidant complex promotes the healthy cellular growth of your dog, and it gives your pet a balanced and complete nutritional diet that ensures overall well-being and health.

The Royal Canin range of dog food is certainly not the most inexpensive on the market, but the benefits far outweigh the costs, and you best furry friend needs the best.  A few reasons to invest in the Royal Canin Breed Health Nutrition Adult Dry dog food, are as follows:

  • Promotes healthy heart function
  • Maintains good muscle mass in your dog
  • Easy pellets to digest and chew
  • Supports improved cellular growth
  • Gives you dog overall nutrition for healthy living

The Honest Kitchen Human Grade Dehydrated Organic Grain dog food

This is the perfect dog food to ensure your pet has a consistent nutrient-rich diet.  It is made for all breeds and dogs of all sizes.

The Honest Dehydrated Organic dog food is formulated from high-grade organic ingredients and contains beans and berries – the very same that you would consume.  It is made completely with whole ingredients and contains no additives.

The Kitchen Human Organic dog food goes through very little processing and is guaranteed the best quality organic dog food on the market.  The dog food contains no GMO’s or artificial flavors and additives.  Feeding your beloved pet the Honest Kitchen Human Grade Dehydrated Organic Grain dog food, means you are giving your dog the best nutritious meals out there.

The special organic ingredients are specially put together to prevent persistent upset tummy or other health issues, such as itching and scratching.  Due to its organic ingredients, your dog will not suffer any digestive problems while on a diet of the Honest Organic dog food.

Due to the dog food’s complete organic ingredients, you are guaranteed of giving your dog the best diet to maintain its overall health and well-being.

The benefits of using the Honest Kitchen Human Grade Dehydrated Organic Grain dog food are as follows:

  • Contains no preservatives
  • Prevents all digestive issues, as well as issues with itching and scratching
  • Made completely from organici ingredients and human grade elements
  • Keeps the overall well-being and health of your pet

The Honest Kitchen Human Grade Dehydrated Organic Grain-free dog food

Not many dogs out there are very fond of grains, so the Honest company also has the grain-free organic dog food available.  It has all the same amazing benefits as the organic grain dog food, but with no grain.

The grain-free variety of the dog kebble is made of free-range turkey, which is dehydrated and easy to digest.

This variety of the Honest Organic dog good is protein-rich, which is great for gods struggling to maintain a healthy weight.  The dog food contains far fewer carbohydrates than the grain variety.

The Honest Kitchen Organic Grain-free dog food can be fed to pups and adult dogs, of any shape, size,and breed.

The completely organic dog food has the added benefits of containing no artificial flavors, colorants and additives, and no GMO’s.  The dog good is made from whole ingredients and goes through minimal processing.

The advantages of feeding your dog the Honest Kitchen Human Grade Dehydrated Organic Grain-free dog food, are as follows:

  • Perfect for picky eaters
  • Contains more protein and fewer carbohydrates
  • Made from organic ingredients
  • Sustains the overall well-being and health of your dog
  • 100% grain free
  • Rich in fats
  • Preservative and additive free

Hill’s Science Diet Adult dog food

Hill’s Science diet has long been known as one of the best ranges of dog food on the market.  The adult dog food pelletsare great for dogs who are sensitive to allergies and tummy ailments.  It is one of the premium grade foods available and is scientifically designed and created to be gentle on any dogs stomach.

Hill’s contains the best, high-quality ingredients that are easy to eat and gentle on the most sensitive of stomachs.  The well-balanced, scientifically formulated meal ensure that you are dog has complete and all-around nutrition.  The dog good contains high levels of Omega 6 fatty acids, Vitamin E and other ingredients that ensure your pets maintaina healthy coat and skin.  The specially formulated low sodium formulation of this dog food makes it perfect for dogs of all sizes, from puppy to adulthood, and for any breed.

Hill’s Science Diet Adult dog food has a wide variety to choose from, as well as canned variants to add some variety to your dog’s meals.

The benefits to using Hill’s Science Diet Adult dog food, are as follows:

  • Contains high levels of Omega 6 fatty acids and Vitamin E for good skin and glossy coat
  • Maintains overall health and well-being or your dog
  • Offers complete nourishment for your dog
  • Available in dry and canned variants
  • No preservatives and artificial additives or ingredients

Purina Pro Plan Focus Salmon & Rice Formula dry dog food

Should your dog suffer from digestive problems or find it hard to digest heavy meals, then the Salmon and Rice variety of dry dog food from Purina Pro is an excellent choice.  It is also a great choice for dogs that experience allergies or skin issues.  Sometimes the other dog foods that are over processed or that contains loads of preservatives makes your dog sensitive to allergies and skin issues.

Best low sodium dog foodThe added benefit of the Purina Pro dog food is that it is made from 100% organic ingredients.  It has actual pieces of salmon.  Salmon is not only easier to digest than chunks of meat but filled with nutritious and health benefits for your dog.  The variants of the Purina Pro are formulated with nutrients that specifically target your dog’s needs according to the size, stage of life and breed.  Also, the dog food is obtainable in many different flavors that works well for dogs and ones that dogs seem to love – even picky eaters.

The added ingredients of fatty acids, oatmeal,and zinc, are certain to provide excellent digestive health.

Here are some benefits to using Purina Pro Pan Focus Salmon and Rice Formula dry dog food:

  • Promotes healthy cellular growth
  • Improves the muscle building ability
  • Promotes healthy digestive system
  • Improves the cardiac function
  • Contains no preservatives or harmful additives and artificial ingredients

Natural Balance Limited Ingredients Diet dry dog food

If you are on the hunt for something completely different from the rest that contains alternative ingredients, then the Natural Balance Limited Ingredient dog food is for you and your pup.  The dog food is made with a restricted but high-quality list of useful protein and carbohydrate sources.

The ingredients are specially chosen and formulated to help maintain your dog’s overall well-being and health.

The Natural Balance diet helps maintain a dog’s digestive health and helps maintain a good skins condition and glossy coat.

The formulation of this dry dog food contains the best grade organic, real and human grade ingredients.  It is made of turkey, chicken, rice, beef,and salmon, which makes for easy digesting.  The dog food goes through no processing, and all the nutrients are organic.

The dog food is an excellent choice for assisting dogs in maintaining health and well-being through all the stages of development.  The nutrients are meant to cater to your dog’s specific needs no matter their breed, lifestyle or size.

The benefits of using the Natural Balance Limited Ingredients Diet dry dog food are as follows:

  • Contains no artificial colors, flavors or soy
  • Formulated using a limitedquantity of ingredients that supportoverall health and well-being of your dog
  • Easy to digest
  • Is a primary source of protein and is packed full of nutrients

Wellness CORE Natural Reduce Fat Grain-free dry dog food

To support the overall weight of your dog, while being packed filled with nutrients, then the Wellness CORE Natural Reduce Fat Grain-free dog food is great for your pet.  The dog food is completely grain-free and provides a balanced and whole diet.

The dog food is made from protein-rich ingredients and is completely grain-free.  The protein sources are real salmon, turkey,and chicken.  It is a top grade product that is scientifically created to be gentle no your dog’s digestive system.

 Formulated with the highest grade and high-quality ingredients, the dog good is sure to give your dog a highly balanced diet and complete nutrition.  The food contains Omega 6 fatty acids, Vitamin E and other vital minerals that will ensure your dog has a healthy coat and good skin.

The added antioxidants will ensure your dog’s immune system maintains its optimum level.

The advantages of using Wellness CORE Natural Reduce Fat Grain-free dry dog food are as follows:

  • Assists in weight management
  • Provides overall and balanced nutrition
  • Completely grain-free and made with high-protein sources
  • Provides balanced nutrition and complete diet requirements
  • Maintains a healthy coat and skin
  • Maintains cartilage and joint function


The above brands are easily the best low sodium dog food brands found on the market today.

All the foods listed above, are low sodium and are highly beneficial to your beloved pets.  It is an excellent decision to start using these foods for your dog – it is never too late.

Also, all of the foods listed are available on Amazon.  These dog foods are packed with nutritious value and are very easy to digest.  Even a picky pooch will find its favorite in the list.

For adult dogs, the dog foods with low sodium will ensure that they have a well-balanced diet and nutrients that maintain good cardiac health. Even low maintenance dogs need to be taken care of. The added antioxidants in these foods will ensure you have a healthy pet for many years to come.  Also, all foods recommended above go through little to no processing and have no additives or artificial colors or flavors, which adds to your dog’s overall health and enjoyment of mealtimes. Selecting to feed your dogs the nourishing meal on the market is always a good choice.

Diet and exercise is still the best recipe for a happy and healthy dog.

The Best Treats for Husky Puppies

Giving treats to your furry friends is not only a great way to train them but a great way to let them snack on something once in awhile. However, it’s important that you give your dog the proper treats.

Siberian Huskies are naturally acclimated to live in harsh Arctic conditions. This means that they are able to go for longer periods of time without food. However, this also means that what they eat needs to be full of protein and nutrients. Your average, run-of-the-mill dog treats aren’t going to cut it.

Fortunately, we’ve outlined what you should look for when selecting your treats so that you don’t have to spend endless hours scratching your head in the pet store aisle. Here are three of the best treats for husky puppies!Best Treats for Husky Puppies

The Right Type of Biscuits Are Great For Husky Puppies

Dog biscuits are probably the most common form of dog treat known to both man and dog. The reason they’re so popular is because they’re easy to carry, easy to break (for training) and are relatively cheap when compared to other treats. But, always remember to read the list of ingredients.

They should be all-natural and contain a high percentage of protein content (like fish, chicken, beef, etc.) as well as a good amount of vegetables and other high-nutrient ingredients. Dogs can and should eat fruits like pears. There should also be a low percentage of things like corn, rice or any other grain related ingredient.

A good rule of thumb is that the first 3-4 ingredients should be a mixture of meat, vegetables or fruit. If it’s not, then leave it on the shelf. We recommend Benefit Biscuits

Jerky Is Perfect For Husky Puppies

Jerky or any dehydrated meat chew is a great treat for husky pups, especially when they’re teething. If you don’t want things in your house destroyed, just give them one of these and it’ll keep them occupied for hours.

The great thing about jerky treats is that they’re usually 100% meat without any additives, but the downside is they can cost more than your average dog treat. They come in all different meat cuts including turkey, chicken, beef, pork, duck, salmon, etc. Really any type of meat. But remember to always look at the ingredients for sneaky additives.

They’re packed with protein, tasty and equally fun for your dog to chew on! There is also the option of creating jerky treats at home. By simply, baking meat fillets in the oven for several hours and letting them dry out. It’s simple and you can be sure there’s no additives in them. If you’re going to buy jerky for your husky puppy there isn’t much better than Alaskan Salmon Jerky. But they are kind of expensive.

Dental Treats Are Important For Husky Puppies

Best Treats for Husky PuppiesDental treats are fun but also helpful in keeping your husky’s teeth pearly white. Food build up and all around bacteria can sit in between your husky’s teeth and eventually cause gum infections or sores.

Some people take to brushing their dog’s teeth but dental treats work just as effectively. There are specific treats dedicated to this task but chewing on bones can also help them loosen up any bits of food stuck in their mouth.

It is advised that you don’t give husky puppies hooves or processed white bones because they may break the dog’s teeth. If your puppy is teething, it’s also advisable that you take the bone away from them from time to time. Prolonged chewing can cause dental fatigue and even damage in some serious cases. Simple Purina DentaLife’s are some of the best treats for husky puppies.

How to Help Fearful Dogs

Are there a lot of fearful dogs out there or am I just noticing them more? Since Sunny landed in our living room, and settled into the corner, my “shy dog radar” seems to have been fine tuned.

At the pet shop recently a young woman was browsing the dog treat section, her black and white dog, a young adult, was doing the same. When I turned to speak to the woman, making small talk about “kids in candy stores” her dog took one look at me, ducked his head and stepped back, his eyes locked on my face. I’d seen that look enough to know that I should not return the stare and immediately turned my head. The dog resumed his sniffing of the various dried, animal body parts available to him.

“A bit shy isn’t he?”, I remarked.

“Oh he scares himself,” his owner replied, “Someone looks at him and he looks back and gets scared and starts barking.”

I tried to follow her line of reasoning (he scares himself?), but knew better than to spend too much energy on the task. The list of explanations that owners make regarding why their fearful dog behaves the way it does, and why the owner responds the way s/he does, is long, and might be funny, except that dogs are suffering.

While researchers and scientists may not agree on how animals experience emotion or which emotions those might be, it is accepted that dogs feel fear. Not only is fear biologically advantageous (do something or die), dogs that are afraid behave in ways that look a lot like the ways humans behave when we’re afraid.  We startle, we cringe, we turn away, we run, we scream, we shake- you get the picture.

When I was seven years old I jumped off of a high diving board for the first time. My family was on holiday and the hotel we were staying at had a pool. I watched other kids climb up the ladder, walk out to the edge of the board, leap off into space and plunge into the water below. My father asked me if I wanted to try it. Together we climbed up the ladder and as soon as I got to the top I turned and headed back down, weaving past the line of kids following us up for their turn. My father did not force me to continue.

Back in the pool I watched the other children jumping off and again my father encouraged me to give it a try. This time he said he’d stay in the pool and get to me after I splashed down. For some reason this made me feel more inclined to try it, so again I climbed the ladder, got to the top, walked out to the end of the board and lept off, keeping my eyes on my father in the water below. I wasn’t in the water for more than a few seconds before I felt his hands on me, giving me support while I caught my breath from the excitement of it all. From that day on I have been a fan of jumping off high diving boards, rope swings, boats, ledges you name it, so long as I’m going to land in deep water.

I don’t share this story just to fill you in on my personal recreation habits or my childhood, but because it is full of lessons on how to work with a fearful dog. Two important components of this scenario which are applicable to the work we do with our scared dogs are these-

1. I had a trusting relationship with my father.
2. I had the skills needed to succeed at the task.

The person encouraging me to do something that scared me was my father. I trusted him. Believe me if a stranger had offered to take my hand and lead me up that ladder I would have been wide-eyed in terror, I might have even reacted the same way if it was my older brother. My father said I’d be alright and I believed him. He was not in the habit of putting me in dangerous situations and I trusted his ability to protect me from anything, in the way that only little girls can (and probably should) feel about their fathers. He had taught me how to swim and for years I had been jumping off the docks and piers a few feet above the surface of a lake where we spent our summers. I had the skills and experience to climb that ladder and launch myself into the deep end of a pool, I just hadn’t done it before.

Stand a 6 month old baby on their feet and let go of them and they don’t start walking, they fall down. Their brains have not developed the intricate and remarkable circuitry to control their movement and their bodies don’t have the physical strength. Someday though they’ll be able to, unless they never get the chance to practice (or have a physical or mental disability). Many dogs, especially puppy mill and pet shop dogs don’t get the chance to practice the skills necessary in order for them to be able to handle the social interactions, the delicate balance of acting and reacting, that a pet owner expects of them.

Some of them, with gentle guidance and coaching, in the hands of someone they trust, will be able to catch up and learn to enjoy being around the things that once made them uncomfortable (or flat out horrified them) but others will not, not ever. The damage was done, there’s no making up or repairing some brain development. All may not be lost, but for the average pet owner a dog like this is never going to be the dog of their dreams (unless they’ve dreamt of having a dog that prefers to live in the closet).

We humans tend to be an impatient bunch and rather than proceed slowly with our dogs, keep trying to make them stand up when all that happens is that they topple over, again and again. Some dogs will begin to actively resist our efforts, growling or snapping, others will give up. Though they may comply with what they are being forced to do, they are not enjoying it. And they are establishing negative associations with the experience, and the human forcing them into it.

It is possible to change how a dog feels and behaves around the things that scare them. And even a dog that isn’t exactly the dog of someone’s dreams can have a good life and provide their owner with companionship and joy. But making this happen usually means changing how we think about our scared dogs. It means questioning the things we’ve been told about dogs and how they learn new skills. It means that we stop tossing them off the high board and into the deep end and expect them to thank us for it.

Why Does My Dog Chew Everything?

Why does your dog chew everything?  There isn’t a single answer to that question.  Dogs chew for a variety of reasons.  Some just seem have an an inborn need to chew. They find it pleasurable.  Others seem to chew only if they are bored.

Is there a difference between “Chewing” and “Destructive Chewing”?  I suppose it’s up to the beholder.  When you get right down to it, chewing is destructive by its very nature!

Your dog has strong jaws full of sharp, pointy teeth.  Puppies especially have very sharp teeth, and a strong chewing instinct.  Just about anything your dog starts to chew on is probably going to show the effects of it inside of a minute.

As a point of clarification, when we say “destructive chewing” we usually mean “inappropriate chewing”.  You know, chewing up your possessions, your furniture, your shoes, as opposed to chewing on designated toys and dog chews.

3 Main Reasons Dogs Chew

There are three main reasons why dogs chew:

  • Chewing is a natural desire. It’s fun, it passes the time, and it’s a self-rewarding, self-reinforcing activity.  As example would be chewing on something that tastes good.
  • Chewing is an outlet — especially for a nervous, bored, or lonely dog. The repetitive act of chewing is actually quite soothing to your dog.  It’s the doggie equivalent of comfort food.
  • Chewing burns up nervous energy and gives your dog something to do. This is especially true in the case of dogs who don’t get enough exercise.

How To Stop the Chewing of Household Items

So, how do you keep your dog from chewing up your prized possessions?   The secret to that burning question is in the list of reasons why your dog chews in the first place!  Here are three tips:

  • Give your dog something tasty to chew on.
  • Make sure your dog has other activities, or playmates, to help prevent boredom.  Dogs will usually chew when they are left alone, or when you are sleeping or otherwise ignoring them.
  • See to it that your dog gets plenty of exercise to burn off that energy.  If your dog is exercised properly, chances are he will be tired and ready for a nap rather than ready to chew up everything in sight!

Act Early to Stop Puppy Chewing

Of course, one final word of advice:  If you can’t lock your prized possessions safely away from your dog, then confine your dog when you cannot watch her.  It isn’t good for you, your things, or your dog to launch into punishment mode when the situation could have — and should have — been avoided in the first place.

In order to stay on friendly terms with “man’s best friend” take the upper hand early on.  Your dog looks to you for guidance and leadership.  Preventing your dog from chewing up your things in the first place is your best bet.  It’s easier to prevent the habit in the first place than it is to break it later.

How much Does a Dog Cost per Year?

It’s important to know what you’re getting into when you adopt a dog. Costs vary a lot depending on your location, what size/type of dog you have, the dog’s individual needs, etc.

The consensus when asked how much a dog costs per year is somewhere around $1000-1500. Some areas of the country/world have higher/lower vet costs, and many expenses are discretionary. Very active/athletic/high-energy dogs will cost more for any number of reasons.

A typical but minor emergency vet visit (dog ate something he shouldn’t have, allergic reaction to a bite or something ingested, cuts or minor injuries, etc.) in my area will usually run $200-600, depending on tests. Things like these will happen.

A serious injury, planned surgery, significant illness, etc. can be $2000 and up.

Plan and be prepared for the higher range of expenses so you’re not left scrambling and resentful when something comes up

How Much Does a Dachshund Cost Per Year?

I can speak with experience about having a dachshund. My wire haired pointer is still pretty much a puppy, so the jury is still out on her.

I used to have is a 16 lbs. dachshund who was extremely tough on toys and got bored with the few he didn’t destroy.  He also took a lot of training (which means a lot of treats) and had seasonal allergies. His budget looked something like this:

  • license: $20 per year.
  • food: $13 per month.
  • treats: $15-$25 per month.
  • chews [predominantly bully sticks]: $20-$40 per month.
  • toys: $25-$75 per month.
  • poop bags: $20-$30 per year.
  • flea/tick/heartworm prevention: $125-$150 per year.
  • annual exam: $40.
  • vaccinations: $100-$200 depending on what he’s due for that year, if anything.
  • cytopoint injections: $100 per visit [exam fee plus medication cost], currently planning for every six weeks during the spring/summer/fall but may be more or less frequent.
  • irregular vet costs such as bloodwork before beginning new medication, emergency visits [he’s been attacked by other dogs], etc, have typically ranged from $300 to $800. we haven’t had any major medical emergencies/surgeries/etc.
  • irregular minor costs like new harnesses/collars/leashes/tags, sweaters/coats, beds, shampoo/conditioner, etc, usually add at least another $100 to the yearly total.
  • irregular not-so-minor purchases, like his fitbark and cleverpet, have added another $400 or so to the last couple of years combined.
  • regular costs that don’t usually stand out can can easily add another couple hundred to the yearly total. for example, gas and parking to take him for walks in various parks, typically within a 30 minute drive from home, to keep things interesting for him.

So on our average he was at least $1000/year, with some years being upwards of $2000.  Dachshunds are much smaller than many breeds, and things like vet costs may vary based on location.

How Much Does a Big Dog Cost Per Year?

Ignoring all the vaccines you will have to pay for the first year, and their reminders, and all the one time purchases (crate, bed, initial health check ups, name tags, license fee, dog sitter for vacation) here is the monthly breakdown for a big dog:

  • Food: $800. $50 – 70 a month sounds like a lot to me but I’m told it’s typical for a big dog.
  • Vet visit fee: $65 (this is just a fee that you pay to the vet every time you go, and you pay for medication on top of this)
  • Heart worm: $15
  • Flea and ticks: $10
  • Classes: $120 since I go to two clubs — these are drop in rates for advanced classes at both, basic obedience classes are a bit more pricey. Yearly member ship fee at clubs: $100
  • Treats: varies, but about $130-$200
  • Toys or new leashes: $80 but varies
  • Books (If a first time owner): $25
  • Online classes: $65 per class, but each class lasts a few months
  • Grooming: varies, but roughly $75 every few months. If you have a longer haired dog and fancier poodle it can go up to $200, and you may need a mutli-day appointment for very elaborate hairstyles. We do a basic puppy cut so it’s cheaper.
  • Chews: $20-30
  • Insurance: $30-40
  • Dog sitter: $45

Expect to spend at least $1,500 for a big dog each year.

Which Puppy Should I Get?

Choosing a puppy can be a challenge.  It’s even more difficult for a first-time dog owner. What type of puppy should you get?  Well it depends on your circumstance and living conditions.  The best advice is to probably go off of personality and gender! But based on looks only if go with the right one ? what are the sexes?

Hopefully you have a breeder that has been observing the puppies you are thinking of and can give you a better idea of which would be the best lifestyle fit. You should talk to some reputable breeders about the breed and their dogs, and you should actually spend some time with several before deciding they are absolutely the right breed for you.

Don’t Go for a Challenge

I’ve heard some people want a challenge with their dogs?  I can’t think of anything worse. I think the problem with wanting a challenge is that you don’t know what a challenge is. Even raising an “easy” beginner breed, like a lab, golden, or poodle, can/is a challenge if you’ve never raised a puppy before by yourself.

My Experience with Shibas

It’s one of the big things Caesar Milan pushes with regards to puppy selection. In the litter I chose from (6 Shibas) certain ones demonstrated much more intense alpha behavior and were clearly more dominant and strong minded. I chose a more passive submissive pup who showed more interest in human visitors and it really paid off. I see his siblings at puppy obedience classes several of us registered in and the more aggressive ones haven’t changed much in their first 6-months of life.

Shibas Are Not a Biddable Breed

The problem with dogs like Shibas is that they’re not a biddable breed. Biddability in dogs refers to the desire to listen and follow commands; it’s easy to teach them things because they want to do what you ask. Biddable breeds are things like Labs, Borders, Goldens, etc, which is why Labs are a classic first-time dog.

The reason why biddability in dogs is so important for first time dog owners is because they don’t tend to have a whole lot of experience working with dogs who, to be frank, don’t give a rats ass what you want. Every dog can be motivated by something, but “stubborn” breeds can be frustrating and discouraging for first time owners.

I own a breed that’s a step or two below a Lab or Border when it comes to biddability. I know what motivates him, but he can absolutely be frustrating when he just decides “today this other thing is more valuable to me”. Sometimes he goes nuts for Milkbones and other times he finds something else more exciting. I love the challenge though and I’m okay with owning a “stubborn” breed (Rottweiler).

So Glad I Chose a Calm Shiba

I think I’m a calm person so I chose a calm Shiba. I will say especially with shibas, just because they aren’t upfront with people doesn’t mean they’re bad tempered.

Mine was very timid for like the first year I had her (and it took a lot of frustrating socialization) but now she’s very friendly, and she loves kids, cats, and other dogs. But she is/was very much cat like, very independent, but loooooooves people. But kinda like a cat, she only wants to be pet when she wants pets, but boy can she snuggle. She’s so much different now than as that shy scared little pup.

But she’s also sooo submissive which is 100% most important thing imo. Mine is so submissive she’s literally been attacked at the dog park (ran in and scooped her up right away) and didn’t fight back, which having known that it makes me much more comfortable with her meeting other dogs, because I know I can protect her if need be, and don’t need to worry about her starting anything and getting sued.

Granted, my happiness with having an approachable/non aggressive shiba is just based on hearing from everyone and their brother about how aggressive shibas can be (of the 4 shibas that go to my vet, mines the only one they don’t muzzle). However, I’ve personally not met a mean shiba nor seen a tale of an aggressive shiba.

Also, like I mentioned, training a regular old dog breed that is biddable and a people pleaser is tough. Doing so with a shibe is tougher because even puppy Shibes aren’t really interested in people that much. Training is very hard-you’re dealing with a dog that isn’t really motivated to listen, or to get attention or pets, and a lot of Shibes I’ve met aren’t even particularly toy motivated.

The Best Self Cleaning Litter Box for Multiple Cats

It is hard to find the best self cleaning litter box for multiple cats. There are just too many choices on the market. Shopping for one is easier if you know what to look for in a litter box. Below are some of the factors you need to consider when buying a box for multiple cats.

What Is the Best Self Cleaning Litter Box for Multiple Cats that You Should Use?

The best self cleaning litter box for multiple cats is something that is invisible. Your cats will go inside it and reappear clean. It must not emit any odor and no need to replace or freshen up the box. The built-in cleaning mechanism will male removing waste easier and improve the lifespan of the litter.

A self-cleaning litter box has enough space for your cats to move around inside it. The litter box also saves you time and effort, especially when your daily commute from work is long. However, keep in mind that even with the best self cleaning litter box for multiple cats your pet might not want to use it.

Cats can be fussy when it comes to litter boxes. It must be the right style and size. Cats go through stages in their life, and their preferences and ability to use the litter box can change.

How Many Litter Boxes Do You Need?

Cats are not pack animals like dogs. Even if they are siblings from the same litter, there are times when a cat wants its own space. In some instances, sharing the same litter box can be stressful. If you have many kittens, buy a litter box for multiple cats. It is the most practical solution unless you are willing to buy one litter box for each cat you own. Keep in mind that if you opt for one box for each cat, you need to have one extra box.

Why Buy a Self Cleaning Litter Box?

A self-cleaning litter box is the better choice over a manual cat litter box because you don’t need to clean the former manually. Although self-cleaning boxes are more expensive, it requires less effort from you.

Choosing the right litter box can be overwhelming. If you are tired of cleaning up after your cats do their thing, then choose an automated litter box for multiple cats. It provides great convenience for you. Your days of scoping up used litter after your cat uses the box is over.

The odor is also eliminated when you use a self-cleaning litter box. Not scoping the litter after your cats do their thing can result in a smelly home. With the use of an automated litter box, you will no longer have trouble cleaning multiple boxes.

The best self cleaning box for multiple cats is the best investment you can get for your pets. It cleans up after your cats’ visits to the box, no matter what time of the day. It saves you time, and your home will smell fresh.


Essentials of Dog Behavior Socialization

We do so much for our dogs. We go over nourishment decisions and house preparing. We additionally examine essentials of dog behavior socialization. Our proprietors are urged to enlist in puppy classes and possibly other classes too. However, is it enough?

With regards to socialization, the appropriate response is no. Building up a sound, balanced canine is long haul duty.

Are there consummate canines? Are a few mutts conceived unsocial? Much like individuals, puppies are conceived with inclinations for modesty, reactivity, fear and different characteristics. In any case, even as well as can be expected be enhanced and inadequately mingled mutts are not generally an acts of futility. Support can impact nature. That is the reason cautious, progressing socialization is so imperative.

Socialization starts the minute a puppy is conceived. Littermate cooperation shows canine social aptitudes while taking care of and controlled presentation to worry by an educated reproducer helps make puppies considerably more steady and usual to human communication.

Essentials of Dog Behavior Socialization

Puppies need to see the same number of various sorts, races and times of individuals as could be expected under the circumstances. They should be uncovered a wide assortment of items as well. Show them everything from umbrellas to caps to autos, ringers, domesticated animals and bunnies. Try not to put the pooch away when there is organization. Have them meet everybody except attempt to keep it as nonfrightening as would be prudent.

When it’s in a protected environment, puppies truly need to meet different species of animals.  This is especially true for dogs that aren’t low maintenance.  Felines, rabbits, rats, steeds, llamas and everything else that is not toxic. Make sure regulate to protect collaborations yet new should things as much as possible.

Keep in mind, that regardless of the possibility that your pooch did well as a puppy they can create issues as a youthful grown-up on the off chance that they wind up bound to the lawn at 5 months. A balanced canine needs proceeded with treks to pooch parks, day camps and extra preparing. In the event that you walk your canine, take a stab at taking an alternate course inevitably. Bring along a sack of treats and have accommodating souls bolster your canine so new individuals are related with great things.

Puppy Camps

Regardless of the possibility that your canine doesn’t go to camp, convey them with you to get nourishment or medicines. They appreciate seeing us when we give them a treat rather than an inoculation.

Keep in mind your response can impact any canine to canine meeting. Kindly, don’t give the finish of a tight chain a chance to be the way you acquaint your pet with different creatures. Take a stab at utilizing a head strap (Gentle Leader) rather than a normal neckline amid strolls. They demoralize stressing forward which can prompt fervor and forceful conduct.

Have Patience

In the event that your canine barks or snarls, don’t rebuff them. It’s not the apocalypse. Get some separation from the other pooch and occupy yours with a treat. Whenever may go better. It can require investment. Keep in mind that regardless of the possibility that all of you accomplish is a pooch who can pass another creature and disregard them that is as yet incredible!

On the off chance that your pooch can do well at the puppy stop or day camp, far better. Simply ensure you utilize a camp that disposition tests and gatherings mutts by action level and friendliness.

At last, before you bring home another puppy, investigate breeds and what their unique utilize was. Look into breed qualities with your identity and way of life. Perceive that there are varieties inside the breeds. There are forceful Golden Retrievers and there are spook breeds that affection each and every animal, directly down to small hamsters. Keep in mind to take a gander at who you get your pup from. Puppy plants don’t mingle.

So imagine a scenario where you do everything right and your pooch still moves toward becoming, dreadful, forceful or excessively on edge. It’s not sad. Counsel with your veterinarian and have them suggest a prepared dog behaviorist who can enable you to accomplish a more advantageous pet.

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